MBV will be sponsoring our first every toy drive for Birthday Wishes Inc.
Birthday Wishes works with many of the shelters on Long Island and helps give birthday parties to children who are homeless and/or live in shelters and who would ordinarily not be able to have a birthday party.
It is hard enough to imagine a young child being homeless or in a shelter, no less have their birthday ignored.
Birthday Wishes of Long Island is currently providing birthday parties to over 130 children each month. I have been working with them for the past few months and feel this is a great cause where all of the donations make it to the children in need.
To make it even easier, we have set up an Amazon wish list where you can choose items and they will automatically be sent to our office for the Toy Drive.
To purchase a toy via Amazon, please go to
www.MBVGivesBack.com and you will be directed to our Amazon page for the toy drive.
If you can spare to get a gift, please consider helping. Also feel free to share or forward this email to anyone who may be interested in helping. Thank you.